Profile | 簡介
Benny Lim is the Associate Professor of Practice in Cultural Management and Director of the MA in Cultural Management Programme at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Prior to his current roles, he held executive leadership roles at KDU University College (now University of Wollongong Malaysia) and Berjaya University College in Malaysia. He also served as a Visiting Professor at The Design School, Taylor’s University in Malaysia (2021-2024), an Adjunct Professor at UniPegaso Italy (2019-2023), a Visiting Scholar at Peking University’s Institute of Cultural Industries (2019-2020), and an Honorary Research Fellow at the University of Nottingham’s Asia Research Institute in Malaysia (2019). In recent years, he has delivered lectures at numerous universities and arts institutions, including the University of Cambridge (UK), Peking University, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Guangzhou Opera House (China), Nova Drama Festival (Slovakia), among others.
Benny has also served in governance and advisory roles for various arts organizations/institutions. He is a member of the Programme Sub-committee of The TENG Company in Singapore and the Advisory Board of the University Arts Centre, CUHK Shenzhen. In 2023, he was appointed by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council as an Arts Advisor (Arts Administration) and Examiner (Drama) for a three-year tenure. Benny has also had multiple affiliations with Macao. In 2015, he was invited by the Institute of Tourism Studies Macao (now Macao University of Tourism) to develop the institute’s first certificate programme in Performing Arts Events Management, which run for two years in 2016 and 2017. He has also supported Macao’s Cultural Affairs Bureau as a trainer (2021) and advisor (2024) to the Macao Fringe Festival. Benny describes himself as a pracademic. As producer and director, Benny has developed numerous original theatre productions and art festivals since 2001, often addressing issues impacting marginalized communities. As a performance maker, he has created an extensive body of works exploring various dimensions of performing the ‘self’. He completed his practice-based PhD in drama in 2012, synthesizing his performance practice with the postmodern conditions in Singapore. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, he has further developed a keen interest in performing ‘care’, incorporating new artistic practices using simple technologies. Benny has also been running a longitudinal research project on art and aging, focusing on humanities gerontology. |
Benny 林國偉現任香港中文大學文化管理專業應用副教授及文化管理碩士課程主任。他曾於馬來西亞 KDU 大學學院(現為馬來西亞伍倫貢大學)及成功大學學院擔任領導職位。他亦曾於馬來西亞泰萊大學設計學院擔任訪問教授(2021-2024)、義大利UniPegaso 客座教授(2019-2023)、北京大學文化產業研究院訪問學者(2019-2020),以及英國諾丁漢大學馬來西亞校區亞洲研究所榮譽研究員(2019)。近年來,Benny 授曾受邀在多所大學及藝術機構進行講座,包括劍橋大學、北京大學、香港科技大學、廣州大劇院、斯洛伐克 Nova 戲劇節等。
此外,Benny 在多個文化藝術機構擔任委員和顧問職務。他目前是新加坡鼟樂團節目委員成員以及香港中文大學(深圳校區)大學藝術中心顧問團成員。他於2023年獲香港藝術發展局委任為藝術行政小組顧問及戲劇界別審批員,任期三年。Benny 亦與澳門有多次合作經驗。2015年,他受澳門旅遊學院(現為澳門旅遊大學)邀請,開發該院首個表演藝術活動管理證書課程,課程於2016及2017年舉辦。他也曾於2021年受邀澳門文化局的邀請,擔任澳門藝穗節培訓導師,並於2024年受委為該藝穗節的節目顧問。 Benny 形容自己為一名「實踐學者」(pracademic)。自2001年以來,他身兼製作人及導演,創作了多部原創戲劇作品及藝術節,並經常探討邊緣化社群的議題。作為表演創作者,他多年來探索表演「自我」的不同維度。Benny 於2012年完成了戲劇博士學位,以新加坡後現代背景下的個人表演實踐為研究議題。自疫情以來,他對「表演關懷」也產生了濃厚興趣,並結合簡單的技術開展新的表演實踐。他也近年發起了「藝術與年長」的計劃,專注於人文老年學領域的研究。 |